PC 103 W07 Lesson: Persistence
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Reading Strategy Practice: Make Inferences. Before you begin reading about persistence, quickly scan the material in this lesson. Look for images, headings, and words that connect to what you already know. After you finish reading, make an inference. What do you conclude about the chances for success you have if you persist?


Persistence means staying on the path. As a student, it means finishing what you started. It does not mean you are perfect. However, it means you continue trying until you have accomplished your academic goals. You have done this already by getting to this point in your coursework. As you think about staying on your path, consider how fast you want to go. The faster you go, the more you will have to sacrifice, but you will finish earlier.

As you get ready to move on to the next steps of this journey, consider the following principles of persistence. Following these principles can help you stay motivated and tap into divine power.

Learn from Failure

Throughout your life you will experience many successes, but you will also experience failure. It is frustrating to try something and fail, and sometimes fail multiple times. Rather than focus on the failure, instead focus on trying again and learning from the experience. Think back to what you have learned so far about growth and fixed mindsets. How you react to failure affects your ultimate potential and ability to learn. When you face failure, challenges and setbacks, you need to focus on what you can learn from the experience.

Failure is something you will face in life. All people fail at some time in their lives. Vincent Van Gogh is known for his famous artwork. Did you know that during his life he only sold one painting? Even though Van Gogh didn't have monetary success during his life he continued to work. He completed over 800 pieces of art, some of which are worth hundreds of millions of dollars today. Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin spoke about the need to persevere. “...the righteous suffer no failure except in giving up and no longer trying" (Genreral Conference, October 1987).

Have Faith

Right now, you are an online student. You also work, either professionally or in a volunteer capacity, at Church or home. You have responsibilities and stewardships. Many of you carry the load of assisting your family to survive, to have food, clothing, and shelter. No matter what your situation, Heavenly Father has asked you to have faith. You have faith that you will get paid for your work, that you will be safe on the road, that your loved ones will continue to support you. Relying on your faith can help you to make decisions for your life now that will help you persist along your academic path. Consider the video called Pure and Simple Faith (05:30 mins, "Pure and Simple Faith" Transcript).

What impressed you as you listened to this young woman’s experience with faith? Think back on your journey so far as an online student. In what ways have you seen the hand of the Lord in your life and in your education? Like the young woman in the video, how have you actively sought access to Heavenly Father's help?

Have Joy in the Journey

Heavenly Father did not intend for you to go through life full of sadness and despair. He wants you to feel joy and happiness today, not when something is completed, a pain is removed, or when some other circumstance appears. We can have joy now. President Russell M. Nelson teaches how you can feel joy amid the challenging circumstances of your life.

“The prophet Lehi taught a principle for spiritual survival. First, consider his circumstances: He had been persecuted for preaching truth in Jerusalem and had been commanded by the Lord to leave his possessions and flee with his family into the wilderness. He had lived in a tent and survived on what food could be found on the way to an unknown destination, and he had watched two of his sons, Laman and Lemuel, rebel against the teachings of the Lord and attack their brothers Nephi and Sam. Clearly, Lehi knew opposition, anxiety, heartache, pain, disappointment, and sorrow. Yet he declared boldly and without reservation a principle as revealed by the Lord: 'Men are, that they might have joy.' Imagine! Of all the words he could have used to describe the nature and purpose of our lives here in mortality, he chose the word joy! Life is filled with detours and dead ends, trials and challenges of every kind. Each of us has likely had times when distress, anguish, and despair almost consumed us. Yet we are here to have joy? Yes! The answer is a resounding yes” (President Russell M. Nelson The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Oct. 2016)!

President Russel M. Nelson

President Russel M. Nelson

Having gratitude is one way to find joy in life. Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf taught, "Everyone's situation is different, and the details of each life are unique. Nevertheless, I have learned that there is something that would take away the bitterness that may come into our lives. There is one thing we can do to make life sweeter, more joyful, even glorious. We can be grateful! It might sound contrary to the wisdom of the world to suggest that one who is burdened with sorrow should give thanks to God. But those who set aside the bottle of bitterness and lift instead the goblet of gratitude can find a purifying drink of healing, peace, and understanding" (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Apr. 2014).

As you experience challenges in your journey as an online student you can endure them with joy. It is what Heavenly Father wants for you. Finding this joy can help you be persistent and stay on your academic path.

Check My Understanding
Answer these questions to see what you remember from reading the text above.

  1. During his lifetime, now famous painter Vincent Van Gogh sold only __________ painting. ANSWER
  2. To overcome the burdens of life, you can replace bitterness with __________. ANSWER

W07 Gathering Prep

What will you do this week, in preparation for the gathering, to exemplify the Learning Model principle of “Teach One Another?” Review your notes before your gathering this week. At your gathering this week take the opportunity to share one example of when you learned from failure and what it taught you.

Ponder and Record
After reading this lesson, ponder the following questions. If desired, record your thoughts in a learning journal.

  • How soon do you want to get to your academic goals like graduating with a bachelor's degree?
  • What sacrifices will you need to make to go faster? 
  • What is one thing you can start doing today to exercise more faith on your academic journey?