Create a Scatterplot Chart -- Excel Android App

  1. Highlight the entire table you created in Part 2, including headings.
  2. Click Insert, and scroll down to Chart.
The first callout shows the entire table that you created in Part 2 highlighted. The second callout points the Insert submenu and the Chart option.

  1. Click and scroll until you see XY (Scatter).
  2. Choose the Scatter with Smooth Lines and Markers.
The first callout points to the XY (Scatter) option. The second callout points to the Scatter with Smooth Lines and Markers chart.

  1. Once you have your chart, drag it to Part 3 Chart Area.
  2. Resize it to fit the chart area by tapping the bottom middle circle.
The first callout points to the Chart that you just created for Part 3. A red arrow can be seen that points to the right which means that you have to drag the chart to the Part 3 Chart Area. The second callout points to the bottom-middle circle. Drag it so you can resize the chart.

  1. Click on the chart itself, so the chart tab appears.
The callout points at the chart and the chart tab. This means that when you tap the chart, the Chart tab or submenu will appear in the menu list.

  1. Tap on the Chart Title, until a pop up menu appears. Tap Edit Text to add a name to your chart.
The callout points at the Chart Title. You have to tap this for a pop up menu to appear. Tap Edit Text so you can add a name to your chart.

  1. Enter new chart title and single-tap out of each to save the changes.
The callout is points at the new chart title. You have to single-tap out of it to save the changes.

  1. Select Axis Titles in the menu by clicking Chart from the menu, then Elements, then tap Axis Titles, and tap Primary Horizontal and Primary Vertical.
When you choose the submenu Chart, scroll down and select Elements, then tap Axis Titles, and tap Primary Horizontal and Primary Vertical.

  1. Tap on the Axis Title, until a pop up menu appears and tap Edit Text.
  2. Add "Years" as x-axis title, to your chart. Single-tap out of each to save the changes.
The first callout is pointing at the Axis Title for x-axis and selecting Edit Text on the pop up menu. The second callout is pointing at the new title, Years, for the x-axis.