SUM Function - Excel iOS App
  1. Tap the cell in which you want to enter the SUM function.
  2. Tap the formula bar to activate the keyboard.
The first callout points at cell D12 where you want to enter the SUM function. The second callout points at the formula bar that you want to tap to activate the keyboard.

  1. If needed, tap the icon to open the number keyboard.
  2. Type the = symbol.
  3. Tap the icon to open the letter keyboard
To start entering the SUM function, tap the number keyboard icon and tap the = symbol. Tap the icon for the letter keyboard.

  1. Type SUM after the = symbol. this will prompt Excel to show you some function options.
  2. Tap "SUM" in the list of the formula options.
  3. This will display some pre-set information.
Type SUM after the = symbol. This will prompt Excel to show you some function options. Tap "SUM" in the list of the formula options. This will display some pre-set information.

  1. Delete all the information in between the parenthesis ( ).
  2. Tap on the first cell that you want to add. This will create a cell reference. It will also create a box around the cell with a circle at the bottom.
  3. Tap, hold, and drag the circle so the box surrounds all the cells you want to add.
  4. Once the box surrounds all the cells you want to add, those cells will be referenced in the formula bar, for example: e.g., D2:D11. This group of cells is called a range.
  5. Tap the checkmark icon to confirm your edits to the cell.
You have to delete all the information in between the parenthesis that automatically came with the SUM function that you chose from the list options. Tap the first cell that you want to reference, this will create a box around the cell with circles at the top-left and bottom-right corner of the cell. Tap, hold, and drag the bottom-right circle so the box surrounds all the cells you want to add. The range of cells referenced in the formula bar will look like this D2:D11. To confirm your edits to the cell, tap the green checkmark icon.

  1. The SUM function adds all cells in the range.
This image shows that the SUM function adds all the cells in the range. The formula =SUM(D2:D11) generated 864.25 as a result.