Division Using Excel
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In this lesson, you will learn how to perform division equations using Excel.

This video illustrates the lesson material below. Watching the video is optional.

The Slash Key

When we want to do division in Excel, we use the slash key (/), which is also known as the forward slash key. Anytime you see a slash key used, think “divided by.”

Example 1

  • In cell A1, type the equal sign (=).
  • Type the first number (8).
  • Type the forward slash (/).
  • Type the second number (2).
  • Press Enter to calculate the equation.
The image shows a formula in excel. An equal sign, followed by the number eight and a slash, which is the symbol for division, and a number two.

Figure 1

Referencing Cells in Division

As with other operations in Excel, you can reference different cells when you perform division equations.

Example 2
If you have 2 in cell A1 and 8 in cell A2, you can calculate the answer in a third cell.

The image shows a number two in cell A1, and a number eight in cell A2.

Figure 2

  • In cell C2, type the equal sign (=).
  • Type the coordinates for the cell the first number is in (cell A2).
  • Type the forward slash (/).
  • Type the coordinates for the cell with the second number (cell A1).
  • Press Enter to calculate the equation.

Example 3
Rather than typing out the coordinates to a cell, you can select the cell you want to reference. Practice dividing by referencing cells.

  • In cell C2, type the equal sign (=).
  • Select the cell that has the first number (cell A2).
  • Type the forward slash (/).
  • Select the cell that has the second number (A1).
  • Press Enter to calculate the equation.
The image shows number two in cell A1, and number eight in cell A2, with a formula in Cell C2 referencing cells A1 and A2.

Figure 3

When you reference a different cell in an equation, the referenced cell will turn a different color. This is Excel’s way of confirming that you are using the cell you want to use.

Variables and Division

A variable is a number that can change. Excel is a great tool to learn how variables work because every cell in Excel can act as a variable.

This is why referencing cells in Excel equations is useful. If you have referenced a cell and want to change some numbers in an equation, you can simply change the number in the referenced cell, and the equations you have already computed will change automatically.

For example, consider you have divided 8 by 2 and know that it equals 4.

Cell C2 is emphasized showing the result of the division formula from the previous image.

Figure 4

However, now you want to see what 10 divided by 2 equals. Instead of having to do the entire equation again, you can simply change the number in one of the cells. In this example, you would change the number in cell A2 to be 10 rather than 8, and then you would automatically get the new result in cell C2.

The image emphasizes cell A2 with a number ten in it.

Figure 5

Using Parentheses in Division

As previously discussed, the Excel equation \(=8/2\) will divide 8 by 2 to give us 4. However, if you write the equation as: \(=8/2+2\), Excel will divide the 8 by the first 2 and then add the second 2 to the result. So the equation, \(=8/2+2\), will equal 6.

A formula that shows an equal sign, followed by number eight divided by two plus two.

Figure 6

To divide the 8 by \(2+2\) instead, use parentheses () around that part of the equation, like this: \(=8/(2+2)\). The result of the equation will then be 2, instead of 6.

The formula shows eight divided to the sum of two plus two, which is enclosed by a parenthesis.

Figure 7

When dividing in Excel, it is important to know that Excel will only divide the number before the slash (the dividend), by the number that is right next to the slash (the divisor). In the example below, 8 is the dividend and 4 is the divisor.

Eight divided by four, where eight is the dividend and four is the divisor. 

Figure 8

Parentheses () help Excel know that you want to include some additional operations as part of either the dividend or the divisor. Whenever you want the dividend or the divisor to include more numbers than just the number right next to the slash, you will use parentheses.

Example 4
This example shows parentheses around the numbers you want included in the dividend: \(=(2+8)/4\).

  • In cell A1, type the equal sign (=).
  • Type the opening parenthesis (.                
  • Type the number 2.            
  • Type the plus sign (+).
  • Type the number 8.
  • Type the closing parenthesis ).
  • Type the forward slash (/).
  • Type the divisor (4).
  • Press Enter to calculate the equation.
A formula is shown where two plus eight is enclosed by a parenthesis and a slash sign, symbolizing division, is next to it and a number four at the end.

Figure 9

Things to Remember

  • The slash (/) means “divided by.”
  • A variable is a number that can change.
  • Excel will only divide the numbers that are right next to the slash symbol.
  • If we want to include more than one number in either our dividend or our divisor, we need to use parentheses ().

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  4. If you still need help, Schedule a Tutor.