Format Cells to Currency - Excel on a Computer
  1. Click on the cell you want to format to currency. Or click on the first cell in a range of cells that you want to format to currency. This will create a box around the cell with a square at the bottom.
  2. Click, hold, and drag the square so the box surrounds all the cells you want to format to currency. In this case, we surround cells D2 to D12.
Callout number one is pointing at an arrow that follow the column under Sales.

  1. Right-click on the highlighted cells to reveal a menu. On the menu, click "Number Format."
Callout number one is pointing at the Number Format option that is under the General drop down menu.

  1. Click "Currency."
  2. Make sure that you have selected the $ symbol.
  3. Click "Ok".
Callout number one is pointing at the Currency option. Callout number two is pointing at the dollar sign and the drop down arrow under the Symbol menu.

  1. The selected cells are now formatted for currency using the $ symbol.
Callout number one is pointing at the range of selected cells under the Sales column.

Important! Ensure that you also format cells K2 to K7 and cells N2 to N7 for correct dollar symbols. Follow the same steps as performed for cells D2 to D12.